
Gemini Yearly Horoscope



Relationships and knowledge are the main factor for you Gemini this year 2015. Gemini turntables The first part of the year favors the emergence of new characters in your life that you can become friends, collaborators, supporters, advisors or partners of torque. But not everyone is welcome. You stringent selection criteria, you approach people only smart (not new, but the trend is worse), lively and original (no this is not new), but serious. Saturn remains in Gemini house between December 2014 and December 2017 (with a break between June and September 2015). And Saturn does not like frivolity. Therefore, it can turn from acquaintances who do not have enough depth. Gemini’s couple relationships and they will go through a process of complex analysis. Beware of litigation and lawsuits, because it is difficult to achieve the desired outcome! remains lively social life Gemini 2015, especially in the first half, but socialization coagulates around some motivations mature sound important. You may even get involved in collective activity energetic and well structured (within an organization can). The professional success of the Twins in 2015 has to do with intellectual concerns, information, communication, writing, oratory, skill, roads and commerce. People and events that you appear open new gateways to knowledge. And good news: Gemini 2015 health improves.