The Planets of Natal Astrology Explained
The term “planet” means originally “wandering star”, and was used in ancient times to refer to any celestial body which was seen moving at the sky, the stars. At that time, the sun was thought to be a star and moon and it was another luminary wandering among others, so that together ancient astrology as the planet all the stars who appeared to move around the Earth, relatively fixed carpet composed of stars and constellations. And today, the term designates planet in Astrology, both Sun and Moon, as well as the Solar System planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (this being the order in which they are placed from the Sun). Antiquity used only seven planets in Astrology, which were preserved in the days of the week in different languages: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. Each planet has a certain vibration, and is associated with certain trends terrestrial life and human characteristics. We saw in the last lesson, each planet has certain zodiac signs his domicile, or other dignities and expense. This relationship is derived from the compatibility or incompatibility existing between the vibration of the planet and signs vibrations. In time, these vibrations have shaped a certain way human and planetary consciousness, they are actually images of cosmic archetypes. Starting in the eighteenth century, astronomy has been overwhelmed by new and up astronomical discoveries in the twentieth century were discovered, in turn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the planets, the unknown (although there are ancient stories that recall the existence of other planets beyond Saturn, still too vague and unsubstantiated to be taken into account by astronomers). From the astrological point of view, (re) discovery and global acceptance of the planets. Their associated with them and the great transformations of human civilization in recent centuries. The new planets were integrated into the system of astrology, receiving home and exaltation in certain signs, as perceived vibrations from them by astrologers and seers. Classical planets passed the governor’s post secondary, where primary governors have become new planets. The Aquarius was ruled by Saturn, Uranus but now is the main or governor, seconded by Saturn. Jupiter govern Pisces, but now the sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune in the first place, and then Jupiter. And Pluto received government Scorpio old governor (Mars) became governor secondary. A classification is important planets in feminine planet, masculine and neutral, of great importance when considering vibration zodiac signs depending on planets present in them.
Masculine and Feminine Planets of Natal Astrology
Masculine Planets :Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto
Feminine Planets : Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune
Note * Mercury is a Neutral Planet.
The fact that current human society for millennia good, was seen predominantly male principle, which is reflected in global consciousness that loads of pictures archetypes cosmic significance. But that does not mean that this scheme can not develop into a clearer balance. On the other hand, each planet is associated with physical, mental and spiritual that may be associated with zodiac signs governed by them. Thus, each planet is associated colors, metals, gems, chemicals, flowers, organs of human body segments of society, types of activities and professions etc. Things seem to be so different planetary archetypes are found united, being expressions of the same vibration or combination of vibrations. Another classification can it tell us more about the “power” of planets in human life and society. Sun and Moon are also called ” enlightenment “because the planets whose light directly affects life on Earth. Although astrophysics clearly establishes that the moon has no light of its own, from optically moonlit nights there, and it even has moonlit special features and special effects on terrestrial life, as demonstrated by biological experiments. And this because “light” that is not only the visible, but a wider spectrum of radiation. Candle are the most powerful influence that the individual life and general, be it biological, psychological or spiritual. The planets Mercury, Venus and Mars (the nearest to Earth) are considered planets details of individual lives. Their evolution in the sky compared to chart a person, give more details about the personal life events, along with the Sun and Moon. The planets Jupiter and Saturn , two major planets and distant from the Sun, show more way in which an individual will integrate in society, its prospects and possibilities of social and professional success, achievements and major trials in his life. The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are seen mainly as significators of generations, with extensive social implications general level and in an individual theme position and their movement must be interpreted especially after issues with other smaller planets and houses. Anyway we classify planets must permanently retain obligate us to anything. Mars does not cause wars, Venus does not cause better understanding between people, no Mercury not push people to be rational. Planets generates specific vibrations, in which people decide their own actions and the actions denouement highly dependent on the way they are in harmony with the cosmic vibrations.