

All About Capricorn

Born December 22 – January 19, the 10th sign of the zodiac. Capricorn is disciplined, loyal, reliable, practical, are turning to success. It has a powerful sense of reality. He focuses on essentials, is diligent, tenacious, thrifty, right. Capricorn zodiac sign is a man you can trust. Energy expended their methodical and “climb” slowly towards his ambitious goals. A Capricorn go to safe and avoid experiments. Has Professions skills as an engineer, administrator, builder or craftsman (generally in professions related to the earth). If the sun is bad aspects, native of Capricorn can think and act selfishly inclined to overestimate, it is stubborn, hypocritical and, Because of distrust of others, hardly opens its heart. Health: Native of Capricorn is more exposed to chronic diseases than in the acute; however threatened fractures, injuries, especially knee or wrist, rheumatism, colds, stomach problems and skin and metabolic disorders that.